Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Free Digestive Health Seminar, October 13th

On October 13th at 7pm, at Fitness Incentive in Babylon Village. I will be doing a lecture on Digestive Health. This will be the first in a series of lectures aimed at increasing your overall health from the so-called "bottom to the top".  

Why is digestive health so important that I have made it my first lecture? 
Digestion is the fundamental pathway to achieving optimal health. It is where our body and the external environment meet. It's the interface our bodies have with the outside world and the place where our very vital nutrients are broken down, absorbed and passed into the blood. How well our bodies do these tasks is a direct reflection on how healthy our blood is and since our blood feeds every cell in our body,  it becomes a direct reflection on our present and future health.  A battered digestive system shows symptoms in many forms. These can be as simple as constipation and bloating or as complicated as chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. When patients come into my office for evaluation, I always address the health of their colon and overall digestion.  I find digestive problems to be the most important change we can make to ensure improved health and wellness.  

In my lecture I will be discussing common problems such as acid reflux, bloating and chronic constipation, but I will also speak about irritable bowel, chronic fatigue, depression and inability to lose weight. Come join us and bring someone you care about. Let's get started on the path to optimal health. 

The lecture is free, but space is limited so we request that you register. 
You can call 631-893-3490, or stop by Incentives Organic Spa & Salon, 157 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon NY. 

All are welcome!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Body Ecology and Friendly Formulations

Based on extensive research, I recommend the following supplements for a healthy Body Ecology:

Probiotic Formulation
There’s some controversy surrounding probiotic supplements. Some believe that for maximum efficacy, the supplement must be refrigerated. The Original Medicine supplement I chose to be offered for sale at Incentives was selected because each of the probiotic strains in that capsule are the most stable organisms of their kinds available. They do not deteriorate at room temperature. This means that if there are 8 billion probiotic units in  the capsule, that’s how many are being delivered to your system. With the less stable refrigerated varieties, there may be 85 billion units encapsulated in order to scrape together a delivery of perhaps 5 billion units.

Green Foods Perfect Food
A highly alkalizing formulation. It contains all the phytonutrients I mentioned earlier, as well as necessary enzymes. Our bodies manufacture enzymes, but as we get older, this capability occurs less efficiently. Enzymes aid in the digestion of the food we take in, and these are also active at the cellular level. There are also probiotics in this formulation, which delivers great digestability and alkalinity.

GHC Oxy Powder
This preparation is excellent for cleaning out the colon and will benefit anyone with constipation and any kind of irregularity—even what seems to be mild cases. Oxy Powder is ozonated magnesium. Magnesium is the central atom of the chlorophyl molecule. This matters because of the following similarity: in our hemoglobin, iron is the central atom; in chlorophyl—essentially plant blood—magnesium is. Again, excellent for colon health. It acts to place oxygen into your colon, which is a very anearobic environment. The oxygen kills the anaerobic bacteria, effectively ‘scrubbing’ the colon and cleaning it.

Nuti Health Lecithin Protocol
I’ve heard  lecithin described as “the guardian angel of the brain and the liver.” It’s the single most important nutrient for the hepatocytes, which are your liver cells. During cell replacement, lecithin helps ensure that the new cells are healthy and robust. 

All of these products are available at Incentives Organic Spa & Salon. 631-893-3490

If you'd like to learn more, please be my guest Thursday, October 13th at 7pm at Fitness Incentive for a free seminar on Digestive Health. 

Call 631-893-3490 to order these products and to register for the seminar. Or simply stop by Incentives. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sugar Addiction

The biggest single issue I see is the superabundance of sugar in people’s diets. It’s essentially sugar addiction, which comes in many forms, and I don’t know that I’ve ever met a single person who isn’t a victim of it at some level. There are the obvious ‘bad’ sugars—soft drinks, alchohol, candy and sweets, etc.—and then there are what I term the ‘stealth’ sugars: fruits, which are insidious sources of sugar because we’ve been convinced that they are invariably ‘good for you’; and the grains. Even whole grain baked products are indeed sugars. The body functions best when it is exposed to the fewest sugars. I recommend a diet of quality proteins and fresh vegetables—organic when possible.

I’m frequently met by people who assure me that they eat according to a healthy diet. But when they describe what they eat, the flaws become quickly apparent. As an example, someone might come to me and describe a breakfast of cereal with blueberries, a serving of fruit juice, and coffee. Not so bad, right? But even if the cereal is whole grain, it contains added sugar. The grains themselves contain sugar. The coffee is sweetened, and the fruit juice is pure sugar.

Sugars, or foods that the body rapidly convert into sugar, produce the energy yo-yo effect so common these days: high sugar breakfasts which generate a sugar spike in the bloodstream followed by the inevitable lethargy that follows when we ‘come down’. Then lunch, then dinner, each of which follow the same pattern.
I’d suggest replacing that ‘healthy’ breakfast with one that included more protein and vegetable matter—perhaps an omelet of a couple of organic eggs and vegetables. Proteins and vegetables take the body longer to convert into fuel. These foods—unlike the quick-burning sugar-foods—slow-burn over a long period of time and don’t produce the yo-yo. Blood sugar levels remain even and balanced—so important to the maintenance of good health.

For a snack, you might be better off with protein in the form of some nuts—walnuts, almonds, pecans—rather than the more standard cookies, snack cakes, or candy. Or a whey protein shake with flax meal. In each case the body converts these foods into fuel over a longer period of time, avoiding the spiking effect on blood sugar levels.

I’d never demand that someone not enjoy a piece of their own birthday cake…so long as they remember that they only have the one birthday per year! Seriously, though, everything apart from the quality proteins and vegetables I’ve mentioned should be approached with caution, or at least with the awareness of the effects they have on our health, and consumed in moderation.

Visit Dr. Brown at Incentives Organic Spa & Salon's Website

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Body Ecology and Childhood Depression

Body Ecology - Depression and Anxiety
I’ve had a number of patients who have realized remarkable improvements once treatments conforming to the concepts of Body Ecology were instituted.

I've treated several children suffering from depression and doing very poorly in school. I performed the health history analysis we discussed earlier and found that they’d been prescribed antibiotics for much of their lives; their diets were saturated with sugar in many forms; and their colons were completely depleted of beneficial colon bacteria. This is particularly alarming in depression patients, because colon bacteria produce B-Vitamins, which positively influence mood.

There was one child who’s family was recommended to me by his guidance counselor. This boy, who was performing poorly in school and was unable to concentrate, would arrive at school and place his head on the desk and remain inert all day. Ordinarily, a patient like this would summarily be placed on medication. But the root cause of his problem was his terrible diet and atrocious colon health. I changed his diet—there was some resistance but we worked on it over time and changed it gradually—and re-populated his colon with beneficial bacteria. It was heartwarming to see this child blossom. He turned completely around, emerging from his shell to become and active, productive child.

I hear complaints all the time about depression and anxiety—it’s a huge problem, especially as we get older. Again, Body Ecology pointed the way. I purge the liver and perform a general detoxification, then treat the depleted colon with probiotics and a natural raw B-complex vitamin supplement. Changes in diet address blood-sugar level problems, and before long, visible improvements in mood occur. Patients report being happy! As important, they’re off any medications they’d been taking. For some people, the changes are truly dramatic—they emerge from treatment like different people.